Friday, December 13, 2013

3 Reasons Why Most People Don’t Take Control of Their Finances and Credit

By Conquest Credit

Is your state of mind preventing you from taking control of your finances and rebuilding your credit?  Are you fearful, ashamed or feeling hopeless about your situation?  If yes, then you are not alone.  Finances and Credit can be a touchy subject, especially when there are thoughts and emotions attached to them.  These thoughts and emotions can paralyze you, and keep you from making the changes that are needed to improve your financial situation. 
Many of us at some point in our lives have made mistakes with managing our money and keeping good credit.  Our educational system has failed us, and It’s unfortunate that so many of us were not taught how to manage money, create a zero-based budget, save or about how credit works.  The educational system in our country does not place a high emphasis on teaching our youth the importance of managing money, budgeting, saving or how credit really works.  This lack of education in finances has caused many problems, and the consequences are hurting our county and our people in so many ways.  For example, many marriages have ended in divorce due to financial problems, and the cause of many suicides has been contributed to feelings of hopelessness or feeling there is no way out of their financial situation.
Every day we are bombarded with advertisements and commercials that use psychological messages aimed at convincing us to buy things we don’t necessarily need.  Our society runs and survives on consumption/consumerism, and our children learn at a very young age to spend, spend, and spend.  All this spending and a lack of education in money management and credit can leave many people feeling discouraged, hopeless, fearful, ashamed, and depressed.
At Conquest Credit and Debt Consulting, we have found a few reasons why some people don’t take control of their finances and credit.  We are sharing this information with you to let you know that we understand what you may be going through, and we are here to help you.  Please read below to find out some of the reasons why−

 1)    FEAR− is a powerful emotion that comes from thoughts or stories we create in our minds.  When we allow thoughts relating to failure, the unknown, exposure, judgment, loneliness and unhappiness to consume us, it can lead us to believe that the stories we create in our minds are real and factual.  Eventually this will create a lot of fear; it will paralyze you; and it will prevent you from taking the steps you need to improve your financial situation. 

For example, someone living off credit cards for years and living beyond their means can find it very scary to change their habits and lifestyle.  They have come to believe they will not be able to survive without their credit cards.  By letting go of the fear and seeking out help, this person can take control of their finances, and change how they view credit.  The only way to overcome your fear is to face it, change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts, take positive action or seek out help or information on how to take the necessary steps.

2)      SHAME− is another powerful emotion that comes from fear of being teased, mocked, scorned, rebuked, ridiculed, humiliated and rejected.  We all want to feel accepted, whether it’s by our family, friends, peers, colleagues or coworkers, and, for some of us that can mean “keeping up with the joneses”.  Getting that car, house, iPad or iPod, Android or video game can add up, leaving you with a huge amount of debt.  The debt can pile up and become a dark cloud hanging over you everywhere you go.  It may seem easier to ignore it or figure out ways to avoid defaulting, but in the end, if your habits and actions don’t change, your situation will get worse and worse.  Find someone you can trust that will not judge you for your past mistakes.  At Conquest Credit and Debt Consulting we can provide you with the financial knowledge and tools to help you start moving towards a brighter financial future, we are not here to judge or condemn, but to help you.     

3)      HOPELESSNESS− unmet dreams, expectations, and desires can leave us feeling hopeless, sad and alone.  It can also lead to feeling trapped, with no solution or way out, or like you have hit a brick wall.  At this point you have abandoned or given up on your dreams and aspirations and the future appears bleak and purposeless.  

In the past five years many of us have lost our job, home, or damaged our credit during the financial mortgage crisis.   Losing something of value that you have worked so hard for can be very devastating and upsetting.  Thoughts of failure and disappointment can overtake our mind and lead to feelings of depression, despair, and hopelessness.  If you allow these thoughts and feelings to control your actions, you will never take the steps you need to rebuild and start dreaming again.  Anything is possible if you set your mind to it!  Many families have had to start from scratch and rebuild their credit so they could have the home of their dreams again.  It may take time, but nothing is impossible and you are definitely not alone.  There are so many resources and support available to help you get back on track, start dreaming again, and taking the necessary steps to rebuild and reach your dreams and goals again. 

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